日米中3か国4都市生活 バイリンガル日記


にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ 海外駐在妻へ
にほんブログ村 子育てブログ バイリンガル育児へ

Writing進化を追う(3) 日英間の転移











April is the fourth month of the year. Although the exact origin of the word is not known, is believed that the latin word ??? meaning "to-open" has somrthing with it. The name would refer to the fact that it is the season when trees and flowers begin to "open". At one time April was second month until king pompilius around 700 B.C. added January and Febrary.



the Airplane

This all started in a rich man's house. That rich man had a wife and the wife had the two chidern. One day the family were off to Japan. The children did not know what they do. Only the thing they know is to get on the plane. So they ran to the airplane. They were supposed to go on Jal but they went ANA. Then, they went to China. They went back home at America and had to start all over again.




This easter break, me and my family went to Corolado. First we went on a airplane of course. Then, my dad rented a car for us to use for our trip. Next it took one hour and fifteen minutes till our first hotel. In about five minutes, I fell asleep once we made it to the hotel.



My favorite memory from this summer is when I went to my first Japanese school with my cousin. I made new friends named XXX, XXX and XXX. My friends helped me when I did not know what to do. I learned a lot there like kanji and math. When I told my friends that I was from America, they  were supriserised. At recess I felt confused because I could choose to go inside or outside. Also when I went to school I was just with children only. The fun part was going to the garden. The study  they  were doing amazed me.


My favorite movie is Sound of Music. It’s a tale of 7 children and a nanny called Maria. Maria works at a church but gets expelled and then she becomes a nanny of 7 children. The owner of the house is quite serious but maria secretly is not being serious at all. Also Maria teaches  the children how to sing and performs it. My favorite scene is where Maria sang My Favorite Things. Overall, I like the movie because the songs are cool.




わたしは校ていでしかくいものを見つけました。その中には、水がはいっていました。よく見たら めだかが いました。

めだかの数は 多かったです。めだかは多かったけど、見えにくかったです。めだかはすいすいおよいでいました。

みんなも ぜひ めだかいけを 見に行ってほしいです。

